ME YOU ME YOU is a a series of short shorts created by Melissa Mabesoone and broadcasted via social media:
instagram: @me_you_me_you_series & @melissamabesoone or youtube

We follow ME (performed by Melissa) encountering several non-human counterparts from and around the neighborhood. Using a humorous approach, the videos reflect upon the daily dramedies that life contains.
The videos are derived from exploratory walks in the district where Melissa lives. During these walks she found a renewed appreciation for the neighborhood, its streets and houses, and the way people populate their gardens and windowsills. She was and is inspired by the bears that are put behind windows to entertain children who are going on their daily, often repetitive, walks in the neighborhood. They are part of Berenjacht or Bear Hunting, an action in which kids can go bear spotting in the streets of Flanders and beyond, to stay fit and enthusiastic during these times of lockdown and to have a sense of connection. The bears flirt with fiction, like sex-workers behind glass, screaming possible narratives from their window. The new neighbors and the inviting statues in the front yards seemed to be open for conversation. Melissa went for it. Now the Corona measurements are slowly loosening up, the bears are disappearing one by one and are being replaced by other knick-knacks and memorabilia.

Will ME look for new and other YOU’s?

Eggsibition is part of YOUTUBE ART SPACE  and was also on view during Zomerfabriek's art expo 'Zero Years' July 10.
The literary magazine nY asked me to write something about ME YOU ME YOU as part of their Genres in Quarantaine.